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Grow your start-up, enjoy our partnership!

We offer start-ups and scale-ups unique access to skills, data and tools in a very attractive financial proposition.

Grow your start-up, enjoy our partnership!

Starter support

We offer start-ups and scale-ups our full services and expertise in an easy and affordable way.

We are a Blue ocean company and believe there is a world full of opportunities with new products and services.

 Does this interest you? Speak with our expert

Sales traction

All the ingredients need to be correct and the process needs to be done right. This requires several disciplines to work together and make things perfect:

  • Customer pricing and business case.
  • The addressable market must be well defined. 
  • The sales & marketing materials must look perfect. 
  • The customer online experience should not be a 'dissatisfier'.
  • Sales campaigns must be planned and set up.
  • And the IT, CRM and back office must work well.

Our experienced team of diverse experts can handle all aspects and build your success!


Investors and share value increase!

Making the company a success requires a longer-term plan: creating traction, attracting partners and management and, above all, attracting smart money. And there is always more to do and too little time and cash.

This is where BlueMarloc can help your organisation.

By having a sales intelligence partner like Blue Marloc 'on board', you immediately increase your share value, your reputation increases and your chances of success. 
This is picked up by prospects and by potential investors who know that if you handle sales intelligently and thoroughly, success will follow.

Our offer

One of the reasons start-ups fail is that high-quality marketing research, lead generation, financials, IT and support are too expensive to attract.

That is where we have unique solutions that enable rapid sales and business success.

Solution 1:
In this solution, BlueMarloc offers all services, data and tools for a fixed price, fixed time as a package deal.

Solution 2:
We invest in your startup. We charge only the internal costs as expenses and settle the margin later or in other ways. 

With our help, your organisation will get off the ground within nine months and grow much faster within your current business plan and without the growth pains....



Success stories

One of the start-ups/scale-ups supported by Blue Marloc is the Flemish Cesano Group. A young e-Bike organisation based in Ghent, Belgium. 

Over a nine-month period, Blue Marloc provided all intelligence, sales set-up and back-office support. We took care of the initial phases by creating an online site, sales materials, business cases, financials and thousands of leads. Within two months, we were able to run serial campaigns to test the market and define the right sales materials, tone and approach. Then the sales engine took off with the sales-up call centre and outbound appointment booking.

The news of our work for Cesano became known and major parties like leasing companies, banks, BirdHouse became partners. Cesano won an award for the best company. The success continued with a great management team, board and joining investors with a successful crowdfunding round.

This can be your success too!

Would you like to speed up your start up growth?

Would you like more information about how we together can speed up your startup success? Contact us. We will answer swiftly.

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