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181 Sales-intelligence

Personalisation of sales material.

Why personalised sales material works

Blue Marloc's focus is to reduce lead time, accellarate closing and reduce sales cost. In the sales process it has its place in several steps.

  1. in prospecting - giving quicker and better insight in opportunities
  2. in contacting - warming cold contact and building trust
  3. qualifying - using 'targeted' information improves decision making
  4. presenting - a quality product with quality materials
  5. objections - addressing objections with the right information
  6. closing the deal - with the right information available (like legal responsible etc.)

Clearly in presenting personalised material has a key place but in each step, cost are reduced and lead time reduces and close rate improves.



Researching personalised sales material

In this research we look into a segment of prospect to identify information which can be used to personalise sales material.

With personalisation we do not mean, having the right name or address, we mean data like ROI, local competion and key aspects.

The data we look for is the information we can use to produce convincing and attractive sales material.

The aim of the research is arrive at an effective process where the data is added into the database for every prospect and available at the press of a button.


In this example we look into the personalisation information which is of interest to convert hotel-prospects.

Sales material is being created with information of the product (e-Bikes) and the service (renting) in package convincing for a hotel.


EXAMPLE Score board

In this example the prospect is presented with an easy to understand "score-board". This score board informs of the potential for success for the hotel and the product.

This score board further aids the sales conversation to focus on strong points and weak points.


EXAMPLE Location information

The sales material is enhanced with detailed information on location and local (for the prospect) conditions.

EXAMPLE Detail information

The research identifies a relation between the size of the hotel (in this example) and the likely success of renting out e-Bikes. The type and number of rooms are an indication.


Example Detail information

The location research further identifies the presence of attractions and their distance from the hotel are part of the ROI calculation.

As a result of this research BlueMarloc developed software to collect this type of information and produce it cost effectively for every prospect.


EXAMPLE Research results

As a result of the personalisation research, Blue Marloc generates leads with exact the additional information which support the sales argumentation with ready to use sales material.

Big screen calender showing people
When is personalised sales material effective?

It is about making a calculation which takes into account the cost of collecting and creating personalised sales material and the improved sales success. Personalised sales material can be created at cost as low as € 15 per opportunity and up to € 200 per opportunity. 

Calculating a business case is part of the research to personalised sales material.

BlueMarloc  'automates' the creation of personalised material which drives the cost down. 

Do you calculate the cost of acquisition of data and later automation?
Yes, during the research our data science and developers work together to identify the most cost effective way of  making personalised sales material.
Do you use same material in every sales process step?

In the dataproduction, we try to be smart; only the data needed at that step is created. When a prospect get further in the process, more information is collected and added. When a prospect becomes an opportunity the complete set is made available. 

This reduces cost and energy is only spend at real opportunities.

How much does such research cost?

In most cases the research can be completed in a week. In this week the sources are identified and the data items are signalled. A draft sales material is created as an example. 

How do you test that it works?
See also our pilot support.
We do what is called a/b testing on various material to continously improve sales effectiveness. This can be part of the research assignment when requested.

Understanding the power of personalised sales

Blue Marloc can research for you:

  • what information makes prospects trust your message,
  • which local facts  can overcome objections
  • and how this can become part of a more effective commercial conversation. 

With this information, Blue Marloc can prepare a quotation, for having this winning sales material in your regular sales process for every prospect.

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